9130 Controller with Data Logging

The 9130 is a universal programmable temperature controller used for single loop control, addressing the need for data logging and recipe/timer thermal process applications.

9130 Overview Screen


Touch Screen Interface
Digital Data Logging for Flash Card - Built-in Paperless Recording
300 24-Step Recipes
DIN Rail Mount
8 Relay Contacts
24VDC (Power Supply Included)
Analog Outputs - PV Retransmission
Multiple PIDs
Overshoot Suppression Logic
Auto Tuning
Three (3) RS485, Two (2) RS232, Ethernet
4-20mA Current Control Output
Three (3) Isolated Inputs

Timer Options

Timer options allow for configuration for flexible
management of process control
Configurable start modes

  • Deviation

  • Band

  • Operator

Configurable control modes

  • Turn off output on completion

  • Auto to manual mode

  • Hold on deviation

  • Hold on band

User configured acknowledgement
Digital input control

  • Timer run/hold

  • Timer reset/acknowledgement

Software Included:
TS Manager - Data management for touch screen flashcard. Remote data viewer, historical data backup, SuperDATA integration.
Configurator - Remote setup and configuration of controller.

Recipe Management, Opcodes Include:
Ramp at rate
Guarantee soak on control and active load thermocouple
Delay time
Thermocouple temperature inquiry
Remote setpoint to slave instruments
Branch and jump to other programs
Limit control output
Change PID settings

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    (Q1) I have an Internal Comms Error on my screen. What do I do?

    This message is generated when the HMI does not have communications to the controller inside the panel.  Possible reasons for this include:

    Loss of 24VDC power to terminals 1 (-) and 2 (+) on the controller.

    A bad communication cable between the HMI and the controller.

    (Check by ringing out the cable end to end, or checking for continuity.)

    Bad connection between the HMI and the controller.

    (Check both ends to make sure they are securely connected and not loose or damaged.)

    Cable connected to wrong port on back of HMI.

    (COM1=232 and COM3=485)

    (Q2) What is the difference between SOAK and G_SOAK opcodes?

    SOAK is simply a specified amount of time.  There are no conditions required for the timer to count down.

    G_SOAK is also a soak timer, but it will only run when pre-set conditions are met and maintained.  If conditions are not met, the timer is placed in hold status.

    (Q4) How do I slave an instrument to my controller?

    Navigate to “Slave Instrument Setup” (This may involve logging in).

    Select an instrument you want to configure and tap “Edit.”  Note that the list of available instruments is color coded:

    White=user-selected instrument

    Configure the instrument, address, and port.  Note the following:

    All devices on the same slave port must utilize the same protocol.
    An address of zero (0) will disable the instrument.
    Controllers that provide dual functions must have the same address assigned for both.
    If your instrument is not shown in the list, use User Instruments 1-16 along with the Generic Instrument Setup menu (see manual for additional details).
    Slave 1 = terminals 5 (-) and 6 (+)
    Slave 2 = terminals 22 (+) and 23 (-)
    RS-232 = 9-pin port on controller’s face

    Super Systems Inc